We’re in the News!
PTR Board Member Dr. Sita Patel was recently featured in an article in the New York Times on how Covid-19 impacts remote learning for English Language Learners.
PTR’s Executive Director, Leah Spelman, published an Op-Ed calling for California voters to protect gains California has made in re-envisioning our criminal justice system. You can read the full Op-Ed here.
We Are ORR Grantees!
PTR is very proud to receive funding from the Office of Refugee Resettlement to further our support for survivors of torture. An estimated 44% of refugees are survivors of torture. PTR will work closely with Northern California Human Rights Clinic to offer both medical and psychosocial support to survivors.
Watch the video of PTR at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco!
On November 15, 2018, PTR gave a fascinating and insightful panel presentation about trauma and healing from a global perspective at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. PTR’s Clinical & Training Director, Dr. Annika Sridharan, joined PTR Board Member Dr. Sita Patel, and PTR Advisory Board Member Dr. Nick Nelson, for an inspiring discussion about the intersection of health and human rights. If you missed it, we invite you to watch the video here!
Read PTR Co-Founder’s Huffington Post op ed calling for more compassionate policies for asylum seekers
In this article, PTR Co-Founder Monika Parikh speaks out against the cruel practice of detaining asylum seekers. “Separating children from their parents, intentionally restricting contact and withholding information about a child’s location are practices that only worsen an already inhumane situation.” Read more here.
Partnerships for Trauma Recovery selected as Community Organization of the Year
On December 4, 2017, the Alameda County Psychological Association (ACPA) named PTR as Community Organization of the Year in recognition of PTR’s leadership and advocacy.
Urgent Need: Holistic Care Fund for Refugee Clients
Our refugee and asylum-seeking clients face an uphill climb out of poverty, struggling with the challenges of housing, employment, learning a new language and more, all while carrying the wounds of past traumatic experiences with them. Partnerships for Trauma Recovery believes in holistic care of our clients through addressing their basic needs. Your donation of as little as $25 will make a critical difference by directly helping clients obtain medicine, food and bus fare. Please visit our GoFundMe campaign and give today.
Partnerships for Trauma Recovery Receives 2017 Excellence in Diversity Training Award
The diversity of refugee and asylum seeking communities who come to the United States seeking safety from around the world is limitless. PTR thanks Palo Alto University’s Center for Excellence in Diversity for this honor.
The Oakland Post features PTR clinical intern Nouf Alrashid in “Oakland Schools Face Increased Challenges to Support Newcomer Students”
This Oakland Post article features Nouf Alrashid, one of our clinical interns, and the work she is doing with youth through Partnerships for Trauma Recovery at Oakland International High School. Read more here.
- Over 400 international survivors were given the opportunity to heal from their trauma.
- Clients included women, men and children from over 45 countries including Afghanistan, Cameroon, DR Congo, El Salvador, Eritrea, Guatemala, Honduras, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Mexico, Syria, Uganda, Venezuela, Yemen and more.
- Clinicians provided 60+ psychological evaluations and letters of support in 2018-19 for asylum seekers who sought legal immigration status to escape targeted violence in their home country.
- PTR works with over over 30 medical, legal, job training, and other social service partners to provide holistic care.
- PTR trained three teams of clinical interns with the capacity to collectively serve up to 10,000 more survivors over the course of their careers!
“The training at PTR is long, dense, and tough but extremely rewarding—as training programs should be, in my opinion! It’s training that not only extends to PTR’s clients but to patients in every setting around the Bay Area. Thanks to PTR, I’m able to serve this population with the integrity that they deserve.” – Jasmit Metla, 2016-2017 Global Healing and Human Rights Graduate
There are 75,000 survivors of torture in the Bay Area alone. For these survivors, as well as others who have fled violence and persecution around the world, your support makes greater healing possible.